Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm
Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm
Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm
Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm
Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm
Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm
Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm
Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm
Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm
Color Spectrum
Red 780 - 622 nm
Orange 622 - 597 nm
Yellow 597 - 577 nm
Green 577 - 492 nm
Blue 492 - 455 nm
Violet 455 - 390 nm




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